THE CITY OF HARVEY, ILLINOIS, acting pursuant to the City’s charter, will receive bids by email at for furnishing and performing work necessary for and incidental to the replacement of water meters within the City until Wednesday, August 25, 2021 by 10:00am (CT). Bids should be submitted via email with the subject line “WATER METER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM – [COMPANY NAME].”
Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 10:15am (CT) at Harvey City Hall, Council Chambers, 15320 Broadway Avenue, Harvey, IL 60426. All bidders are invited to attend. Bidders planning to attend the bid opening must email to confirm attendance.
Bids are being solicited only from responsible and established bidders known to be experienced and regularly engaged in the work of water meter replacement. Satisfactory evidence that the bidder has the necessary capital, equipment, experience, and personnel to do the work may be required. Proposal forms and specifications can be accessed at