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Smart Savings for Cook County Residents: New Opportunities to Save Energy – and Dollars

The Cook County Department of Environmental Control received a grant to promote smart meter and energy efficiency programs throughout the County and to educate County residents on the new electric smart grid. Please share this information with your communities. A PDF is available here  for distribution.

ComEd is currently installing residential smart meters throughout their service territory and the Cook County Department of Environmental Control is working to make sure you know about all the new opportunities to help the environment while saving energy and money with your new meter.

Smart meters provide you with more detailed information about your energy use, giving you the power to understand how and when you use energy. New programs and online tools, such as high usage alerts and email energy use summaries, allow you to explore the ways to better use energy. That can help reduce your electric bill.

To find out when you will receive a smart meter, visit If the meter number on your bill begins with the number 2, you have already received a smart meter.

You can start saving energy and money right now with energy efficiency programs, whether or not your smart meter has been installed. Using the Citizens Utility Board’s Energy Saver, you get energy-saving recommendations that can earn you points towards rewards. You can get an in-depth home assessment to learn what upgrades could save you up to $400 with Elevate EnergyComEd, Nicor Gas and Peoples Gas provide the free installation of energy-efficient products at your home. Click here to learn more about these programs.

For more information about smart meters or energy efficiency programs, contact Sarah Edwards, Energy Efficiency Community Outreach Coordinator, at or (312)603-3459 or visit

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