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NHS Neighborhood Heroes: Chicago Southland Housing & Community Development Collaborative

Lakeshia Wright accepts Neighborhood Hero Award at NHS's annual meeting.

Lakeshia Wright accepts a Neighborhood Hero Award on behalf of “The Collaborative” at NHS’s annual meeting and leadership awards event..

Neighborhood Housing Services recognized SSMMA’s Chicago Southland Housing & Community Development Collaborative with a Neighborhood Hero award at their annual meeting and leadership recognition event. See the nomination video here. NHS new president Kristin Faust was also welcomed at the Oct. 21st event that  kicked-off  kick off NHS’s 40th anniversary. It was held at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago.

The Chicago Southland Housing & Community Development Collaborative (The Collaborative) works in conjunction with the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, Metropolitan Planning Council, and others to address housing issues. The Collaborative is a liaison for the group of 24 municipalities in Southern Cook County and Northern Will County that work together to address regional housing issues. Recently, The Collaborative implemented a new initiative, Housing Plus, which connects housing, workforce training, and other resource services. The Collaborative has been successful in securing $29.5 million in public funding, $4.5 million in private capital, and $466,000 in philanthropic investments, all of which has had a tremendous impact in the Southland. These initiatives were spearheaded by two unique and creative women who value the vision of the Southland community, Janice Morrissey and Lakeshia Wright. Both of these women have distinct expertise in regional planning and have connected organizations to clearly define their interests and missions through innovative strategies. They serve The Collaborative with devotion and a level of dedication that goes beyond the scope of the job.

Lakeshia and Janice accept NHS award

Lakeshia Wright and Janice Morrissy are recognized on behalf of “The Collaborative” at NHS’s annual meeting on Oct. 21, 2014.

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