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New grant sources available for Calumet-area communities

IEPA’s Section 319 Water Pollution Control Grant Program Little Calumet River and Cal-Sag Channel Watersheds are now eligible for Illinois EPA Section 319 funding support.

The Illinois EPA operates a program to provide grant funds for projects to prevent or address water quality issues. The program is often referred to as the “319” grant program because the funding is authorized under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The program can help fund projects to address various types of pollution issues, including stormwater runoff from streets and parking lots.

Communities can only apply for a Section 319 grant if the project is consistent with an approved Watershed Plan. Through the partnerships between the Metropolitan Planning Council, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, and MWRD, both the Little Calumet River and Cal-Sag Channel watersheds have recently been approved to receive funding from the Illinois EPA. Read more.

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