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The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago is accepting applications from local governments to address local flooding issues. The deadline is February 23, 2018.
Local governmental entities (i.e. municipalities, townships, and county agencies) must be within their service boundaries to apply for funding, engineering, or other assistance in addressing local flooding affecting Cook County communities.
Every local Cook County governmental agency will be mailed an invitation letter and program application which will provide the eligibility requirements and application instructions. The MWRD will prioritize the submitted projects based on MWRD’s current budgetary allocation for the program as well as other factors such as the project’s intended stormwater benefits towards protecting structures from flooding. Example flood control projects can involve the installation of localized detention, the upsizing of critical storm sewers and/or culverts, establishing drainage ways, or the installation of any combination of green and grey infrastructure.
As potential partners in the fight against flooding, please note that the success of MWRD’s Phase II Stormwater Management Program is reliant on cost sharing between the MWRD and the potential partner. Therefore, the MWRD requests that local governmental agencies determine their level of financial support toward a potential flood control project and include that information on the application.
The completed application form and associated support documentation should be mailed to:
Marcella V. Landis, Acting Director of Engineering Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago 100 E. Erie Street Chicago, IL 60611
For additional information, please contact (312) 751-3257.