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Country Club Hills’ water main replacement project is complete

Colonel Aaron W. Reisinger of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly (IL-2), and Country Club Hills Mayor James Ford held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 4030 Cambridge Drive in Country Club Hills, Ill on Nov. 13 to mark the end of a water main replacement project.

The project included replacing 760 linear feet of eight-inch water main on Hawthorne Drive, 2140 linear feet of eight-inch water main on Cambridge Drive/179th Street, and 10 fire hydrants; plus restoring parkway and pavement.

The new water mains and valves were made of materials resistant to corrosive soils. This is expected to decrease frequent water main breaks resulting from naturally-occurring corrosive chemicals in the surrounding soils. The existing water mains were abandoned in place and new water mains are located beneath streets within the public right-of-way and away from utilities commonly located beneath sidewalks on parkways.

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