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Collaborative awarded grant to provide trainings in Homes for a Changing Region toolkit


The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning in partnership with the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus (MMC) awarded the Chicago Southland Housing and Community Development Collaborative with a grant to provide trainings in the use of the Homes for a Changing Region toolkit to SSMMA communities. The grant was in response to a Local Technical Assistance application, but due to the small scale of the request, they are handling this outside of the LTA program, which typically features larger projects.

The Homes for a Changing Region process enables municipal leaders to understand demand and supply dynamics for housing in their communities and develop long-term housing policy plans based on sound research and input from their residents. These plans aim to create a balanced mix of housing, serve current and future populations, and enhance livability.

Homes for a Changing Region is a good fit for any municipality grappling with important housing questions, including:

Can existing residents afford to stay here in years to come?

What is my community’s capacity to accommodate future residents?

Will my community’s current housing stock meet the demands of future residents?

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