Photo is courtesy of the Southeast Environmental Task Force
On Saturday, I [David Schalliol] joined the Southeast Environmental Task Force (SETF) on one of its tours of Chicago’s goliath infrastructure. The tour featured the future site of the Thornton Composite Reservoir, the largest such reservoir in the world, and a Deep Tunnel pumping station 350′ below ground at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant. Both are part of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)’s gargantuan Tunnel and Reservoir Plan, the multi-decade, multi-billion dollar project designed to protect the Chicago region from the flooding and pollution caused by overflowing sewer and stormwater infrastructure.
The bus tour, which was led by the SETF’s Tom Shepherd and various staffers from the MWRD, was kicked off at the Chicago Cultural Center by President of the MWRD’s Board of Commissioners, Mariyana T. Spyropoulos…Please click here to read David Schalliol’s story in Gapers Block. A related story is here in the Southland Voice.