For Diane Banta, the Thorn Creek Trail is an ideal place to walk her dog. She’s very familiar with trails in the region: Banta is an outdoor recreation specialist with the National Park Service, which advocates for many trail development efforts in Millennium Reserve, including this one. She also lives a block from Thorn Creek Trail and says it’s “one of her favorite places.”
For many others, Thorn Creek Trail is about jogging, biking, hiking, birding, picnicking, cross-country skiing and more.
Recent improvements to the Thorn Creek Trail provide a 10-foot-wide paved trail, creating 16.6 miles – and a trail with no gaps. Before this project was completed, the Thorn Creek Trail consisted of three separate segments. Additions include nearly five miles of trail, three bridges and a railroad underpass…Please click here to read more on the Millennium Reserve Priorities blog.