The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) is seeking volunteers for the Fire Core Cost Containment Committee and Public Works Committee to develop specifications for the Ambulance and Fire Apparatus programs and the Public Works Specialty Vehicle program (Sewer Cleaning Trucks and Street Sweepers). It is the SPC’s goal to have representation from multiple agencies and diverse backgrounds in order to create specifications that match the purchasing needs of most jurisdictions.
Due to the complexity of these vehicles, as well as the diverse operational needs of member agencies, the committee needs to be comprised of subject matter experts in multiple facets.
The experience and knowledge sought for the committees includes:
∙ Experience in governmental purchasing processes
∙ Operational knowledge of fire, EMS and public works apparatus
∙ Mechanical repair and maintenance expertise and experience
∙ Fire and EMS incident experience
Ideal committee members include:
∙ Fire and EMS personnel
∙ Public Works personnel, especially vehicle technicians
∙ Persons that oversee these purchases
Experience in developing and analyzing bid specifications is a plus, but joining the committee is a great way for volunteers to gain knowledge and experience of the apparatus and competitive bidding process.
Most meetings will take place via Zoom, but in-person meetings will be necessary for mandatory vendor meetings and the final bid scoring process. Typically, the process takes 3-12 months, depending on the complexity of the program.
If you wish to volunteer or recommend individuals to serve on these committees, please contact NWMC Purchasing Director Ellen Dayan, or 847-296-9200 ext. 132.