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Robbins TOD and industrial area planning

From CMAP’s

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) is working on a new plan to reduce flooding and create new recreational and economic opportunity in eastern Robbins near Midlothian Creek. Residents and municipal leaders in the Village of Robbins are motivated to address flooding in a way that spurs economic development and creates a more beautiful place to live and work. Through stormwater investments, the Village can spur economic development, reduce flooding in the surrounding neighborhoods, and connect residents to the proposed Robbins Park. The proposed plan envisions a combined stormwater management facility featuring a retention “lake” surrounded by parkland and passive and active open space, called “Robbins Park”. The lake and park would reduce periodic localized flooding in residential areas and create a unique community amenity. In addition, the Robbins Park facility would make land within a former floodplain available for new transit-oriented development (TOD) investment adjacent to the park and the nearby Robbins Metra station. Another area of economic opportunity is the underutilized industrial district Northwest of the proposed park just west of Kedzie Avenue along 135th Street. Read more.

This project is part of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) Local Technical Assistance program and is done in partnership with the Regional Transportation Authority’s (RTA) Community Planning Program, and the MWRD’s stormwater planning efforts. Other Southland projects include comprehensive plans for Beecher, Calumet Park, and Sauk Village and an economic growth plan for the South Suburbs sponsored by the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development.

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