Grants are available to local units of government and other organizations to implement green infrastructure best management practices to control stormwater runoff for water quality protection in Illinois. Projects must be located within a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) or Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) area.
Illinois Green Infrastructure Grants (IGIG) administered by the Illinois EPA are designed to support projects that reduce the amount of pollution running into Illinois waterways from storm water sources and reduce the risk of localized flooding. 2013 is the third year of IGIG and the program has previously awarded more than $9 million to 23 green infrastructure projects around the state. Included among the many improvements these projects have made are the installation of nearly 150 cisterns or rain barrels, 220 downspouts, 184 rain gardens, four green roofs, three urban wetlands and six acres of permeable pavement. Please click here for more information or for grant application materials.