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Governor Quinn Announces $52.7 Million for Local Transportation Improvement Projects

Cal Sag Trail

Cal Sag Trail

Press release from the Illinois Government News Network:

Governor Pat Quinn [on April 12] announced a $52.7 million investment in community transportation projects throughout Illinois. The investment will support more than 400 jobs through 71 projects, including bike paths, walking trails, historic preservation and streetscape beautification projects in communities across Illinois. The funding is through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) – a federally-funded, competitive program that encourages transportation-related projects.

“These projects will support hundreds of jobs while preserving our heritage, beautifying communities and creating opportunities for pedestrians, bicyclists and others across Illinois,” Governor Quinn said. “The projects will help improve the quality of life for everyone, and I commend Senator Durbin and Illinois’ congressional delegation for fighting for this important community funding.”

The ITEP program is designed to promote alternative transportation options, including bike and pedestrian travel, along with streetscape beautification. The federal funds are awarded competitively, and any local or state government is eligible to apply. Local matching funds are required, and work must begin on the projects within three years. For the current round of funding, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) received 232 applications requesting ITEP federal funding totaling nearly $260.5 million.

“These grants will make our communities better places in which to live and work,” Transportation Secretary Ann Schneider said. “They promote outdoor activity and help make us more proud of what our home towns have to offer.”

Please click here to read the full press release. See related stories in the Times and  Associated Press.  A partial list of projects follows:

Calumet City, $191,110 – Bike Path/Multi-Use Trail A 0.78 mile-long trail/bike path will be constructed on Torrence Avenue, located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Calumet City (near River Oaks Mall). The proposed project encourages non-motorized transportation options, as the project directly links to the development of a bike path sponsored by the Cook County Forest Preserve. Both trails connect at the NE corner of Torrence Ave. and 159th Street.

Village of Riverdale, $2,183,000 – Cal-Sag Trail: Halsted/Jackson to Indiana/138th Street Segment The Calumet-Sag Greenway Trail – Riverdale Segment is part of a much longer trail that begins near Lemont and continues eastward to the Burnham Greenway Trail near the Indiana State Line. The project consists of constructing a 10-foot wide, 26-mile long bike trail along the Calumet-Sag Channel and Little Calumet River corridor. The entire project will be constructed in a number of segments, many of which have already received construction funding with construction beginning early in 2014.

Village of Olympia Fields, $488,800 – New Construction Bike Path/Multi-Use Trail A new 1.25 mile bike path/multi-use trail will be constructed new on Vollmer Road. The proposed bike path connects the Vollmer Woods Forest Preserve to an existing bike trail that terminates at southeast corner of Crawford Avenue and Vollmer Road as well as connecting to on-street bike lanes currently existing on Kedzie Avenue Traffic signal modifications will be completed to provide countdown pedestrian timers for safe non-motorized travel at signalized intersections.

Village of University Park, $448,760 – New Construction Bike Path/Multi-Use Trail New construction of a bike path/multi-use trail (8700 feet of hot mix asphalt pavement, 10-foot wide, approx. 2 miles) along the University Parkway (ADA accessibility), located within the borders of the Village of University Park. Proposed project encourages non-motorized transportation options as project encompasses over 2 miles from Western Avenue to the east and Steger Monee Road to the west. This project also links retail and residential beginning at the SW corner of Western Avenue & Exchange.

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