Enterprise’s Climate & Cultural Resilience Grants support organizations seeking to use the tools of creative placemaking in the context of a climate resilience project. Projects should identify a climate resilience challenge and propose a plan for building cultural resilience in the process of addressing that challenge. Five grants of $100,000 each will be made to organizations to support the proposed activities. Read more or find application information.
Projects may be at the building or neighborhood scale and can range from planning to implementation. Examples of projects from other communities include: • stormwater infrastructure with artistic and educational public elements • community-driven cultural asset mapping for neighborhood resilience plan • creation and installation of a solar powered neighborhood utility • rain barrel builds to capture rainwater and reduce flooding • maker festival that initiates formation of a neighbor-to-neighbor network • build-a-bike workshops to increase carbon-neutral mobility • community collaborations that address resilient food systems
Climate and Cultural Resilience Grants will support five organizations to use arts and culture and community-engagement in a climate resilience project at the building or neighborhood scale.
Applications due: Friday, March 31, 2017
Grant period: June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2018