From the
Cook County Land Bank Authority; please share with your communities:
Are you looking to purchase your own home but having trouble finding something in your price range? Have you ever considered purchasing a fixer upper? The Cook County Land Bank Authority, on behalf of Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle and CCLBA Chairwoman Bridget Gainer, is excited to announce the launch of the Homebuyer Direct Program! The focus of this program lies in reaching out to prospective homeowners who may be interested in directly purchasing, rehabbing, and ultimately living in the home of their dreams! With this in mind, the CCLBA is looking to offer properties throughout Cook County to prospective owner-occupants at below-market prices. This could be a perfect opportunity for you to engage in the purchase/rehab, finish it to your taste, and build in some equity! All properties eligible for the program are listed below, and will be updated on a daily basis going forward. Read more.