The Illinois Alternate Fuels Rebate Program is available to any resident, business, local government or organization in Illinois. It offers rebates to anyone using E85 or biodiesel fuels (20% blend or higher), for purchasing a new alternate fuel vehicle, or for converting a conventional vehicle to alternate fuel. All E85 and Biodiesel Fuel Rebate applications for 2014 are to be postmarked by January 31, 2015. For more information and to verify the eligibility of a certain type of vehicle, call (217) 557-1441. Please click here for information on how to apply.
Program Objectives
The objectives of the Illinois Alternate Fuels Rebate Program are to:
Provide an incentive for the purchase of clean alternate fuel vehicles,
Provide an incentive for the conversion of vehicles to a clean alternate fuel using certified or approved conversion systems,
Provide an incentive for the use of renewable E85 and biodiesel fuels,
To develop the refueling infrastructure for various alternate fuels,
Reduce emissions from motor vehicles and to improve air quality in our communities, and
Increase demand for our green, domestic, renewable energy sources and related vehicle and infrastructure products manufactured and/or distributed here in Illinois.