From the Village of Steger’s website:
School District 194 has won $60,000 through a voting-style “Thanks a Million Teachers” contest sponsored by Farmer’s Insurance. The District would like to extend a special “thank you!” to Jeff Sopko, who has donated banners, tshirts, gift cards, dinners, and more to helping promote Steger’s entries in the contest.
The Village also won a grant from IDOT to fund long overdue flashing lights for the Eastview School traffic safety zone. The bidding process was completed and approved this summer, and the lights will be installed soon.
The Village also recently won a grant to study streets, sidewalks, and bikeways for safety and accessibility. The study will be conducted by the Active Transportation Alliance, who will develop plans for improving biking, walking, and transit in Steger by outlining infrastructure opportunities, identifying funding resources, and hosting education and advocacy events.