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Uninsured Cook County residents who meet eligibility requirements can apply for CountyCare, an Illinois Medicaid program, and receive health care services at dozens of providers throughout Cook County. CountyCare members receive covered services at no cost to them, including prescription drugs, regular and specialty visits within a broad network of doctors, hospitals, laboratory and x-ray services, mammograms, mental health treatment, public transportation, and more. To qualify, applicants must live in Cook County, be 19-64 years of age without dependents at home, have a Social Security number and be a legal immigrant for at least 5 years or a U.S. citizen. Yearly income must be below $15,282 for an individual or $20,628 per couple. Applicants must not be receiving or eligible for Medicaid, Medicare or CHIP. Learn more about CountyCare by calling 312.864.8200 or visit To download the CountyCare fact sheet, click here.