From CMAP:
The region has obligated $64.25 million in STP-L thus far in FFY 20. As discussed at the Council of Mayors Executive Committee on April 14, 2020, based on the status of programmed engineering and right-of-way phases, and construction projects that will be locally let within the City of Chicago, all projects targeting an IDOT letting after June 12, 2020 cannot be included in the fiscally constrained TIP at this time. The Council of Mayors Executive Committee also approved prioritizing the allocation of any STP-L funds that may become available in FFY 20 first to projects within councils that have obligated the lowest total amount of STP funding relative to 3 times their FFY17 allotment, as described in this memo. Table 2 on the last page of the memo shows council obligations versus 3 times their FFY 17 allotment as of April 7, 2020. Programming is a dynamic process, and CMAP will continuing working with the Councils and IDOT to implement projects within fiscal constraints, but at this time there are no additional STP-L funds available in FFY 20 to program in the TIP for construction projects targeting any of the remaining lettings in FFY 20 (July, September and November).
Surface Transportation Program – Shared Fund (STP-SF) The STP Project Selection Committee (PSC) meeting scheduled for April 30, 2020 is being postponed. However, active program management of the STP-SF programs is continuing. Program status reports, based on the March quarterly updates submitted by project sponsors are available on CMAP’s STP web page. Staff is also continuing work on lessons learned from the 2019 program development cycle, including development of potential scoring criteria for additional project types discussed by the STP PSC in January.
From IDOT: In an effort to keep health and safety as our top priority, the IDOT Illinois Technology Transfer Center will be suspending all in-person training for May and June. We hope to begin in-person training after July 1.
From the Illinois Bike/Walk Virtual Learning Collaborative: The Illinois Bike/Walk Virtual Learning Collaborative requests applications to support communities across Illinois in identifying projects and understanding what will be needed to successfully apply for Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation. This year, state funds make available $25 million in new dedicated funding for walking and bicycling projects in Illinois with $50 million per year in dedicated funding expected in subsequent years. Read more.
Application due date and time: Friday, May 8, 2020, 5:00pm CT Awardees will be notified by: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
For transportation-related questions, please contact SSMMA’s transportation planner, Leslie Phemister, at