Please join SSMMA in welcoming new Planning Analyst Josh Koonce.
While working toward his master’s degree at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, Josh also worked for the Chicago Department of Transportation Bike Program, focusing on planning for new and better bikeways. Josh managed the citywide bike counts project and established a bike count database for the Bike Program. Josh later spent some time as an intern at the Center for Neighborhood Technology, working on a housing and transportation project for the City of Asheville, NC. Josh was also a consultant to Delta Institute on their Chicago Wilderness Transportation and Environmental Collaboration Initiative.
Since then, Josh spent some time working for a local independent record label. Josh stayed connected to his goal of working in the world of planning and policy by getting involved with the West Loop Community Organization’s Development Committee as they planned for a changing Fulton Market District.
Josh holds a master’s degree in Urban Planning and Policy from UIC and a bachelor’s degree in sociology and English from Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights. Josh lives in Chicago with his wife Carolyn and their dog Daisy; he enjoys photography and bicycling for both leisure and transportation.