SSMMA President and Robbins Mayor Tyrone Ward
The South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association approved the reelection of Robbins Mayor Tyrone Ward as SSMMA’s 2020-2021 president, along with a slate of officers at the May 21 business meeting.
We are grateful that Mayor Ward provided SSMMA with dedicated leadership during the 2019-2020 term and has agreed to serve another year. He is a lifetime resident of Robbins. He was first elected as mayor in April 2013, and reelected in 2017. Prior to that, he served as a village trustee. He has also held the positions of village comptroller, personnel director, and purchasing agent. His public service life was crystallized when he founded the Lillian Bryant Ward-Spearmon Foundation, a philanthropic organization to honor his mother’s legacy.
In addition to Mayor Ward, the following will stay on this year to make up the 2020-2021 Executive Committee: Thornton Mayor Bob Kolosh as vice president, Glenwood Mayor Ron Gardiner as secretary, Lynwood Mayor Gene Williams as treasurer, Flossmoor Mayor Paul Braun and Lansing Mayor Patricia Eidam as Cook County at-large representatives, Beecher Mayor Greg Szymanski as the Will county at-large representative, and Hazel Crest Mayor Vernard Alsberry, Jr. as immediate past president.
Committee chairs include: Crete Mayor Mike Einhorn as Transportation chairman, Thornton Mayor Bob Kolosh as Public Safety chairman, Richton Park Mayor Rick Reinbold as Legislative chairman, Country Club Hills Mayor James Ford as Housing chairman, Thornton Village Manager Doug Beckman and Richton Park Village Manager Regan Stockstell as Management & Finance co-chairs.
The officer and chair terms will take effect in June. We thank them for their hard work and dedicated service on behalf of SSMMA and the southland region.