NWMC Holiday Celebration
• NWMC Holiday Celebration! On Wednesday, December 14, the Northwest Municipal Conference will host a celebration from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Chateau Ritz, 9100 Milwaukee Avenue in Niles. Please RSVP your attendance to Marina Durso, 847-296-9200, ext. 122 or mdurso@nwmc-cog.org by Thursday, December 1.
SPC Renews Granite Telecommunications Contract with No Price Increases
• The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) Governing Board is pleased to announce the first of four possible, one-year contract extensions on the SPC Telecommunications Contract (#205) with Granite Telecommunications, LLC.
• The extension runs from December 1, 2022 through November 30, 2023, with no price increases. Please visit the SPC Telecommunications program webpage to learn more about Granite’s services and prices. For questions or additional information, please contact staff or Granite Senior Sales Executive for Illinois Government and Education
Frank Ventrella, 630-649-0823 or FVentrella@granitenet.com.
LGDF Survey Critical to Strengthen Restoration Campaign
• As part of the campaign to restore the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF), the NWMC is conducting a survey to generate materials for distribution to the Governor, legislative leaders, and NWMC legislators. Members should have received the survey last week, but please contact the staff if you need the link. The Restore LGDF Coalition will utilize the survey data and information to generate a customized document for each Conference member.
• These one-pagers will assist communities and the Conference in communication with legislators heading into the spring 2023 legislative session. If your community has not yet responded to the survey, please do so by Wednesday, November 23. For further information, please contact NWMC Policy Analyst Chris Staron, cstaron@nwmc-cog.org.