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SPC News

Ford’s SPC Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles Can Neutralize COVID-19 The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) is excited to announce that Ford Motor Company has designed a new heated software enhancement for the Ford Utility Police Interceptor (Contract #152) to help reduce the footprint of the COVID-19 virus and keep our police forces safe. See the story on CBS News.

The software solution temporarily raises interior temperatures beyond 133 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes to help reduce the viral concentration inside the vehicle by greater than 99 percent. Ford worked with Ohio State University to determine the temperature range and time needed to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus and conducted operational trials with vehicles owned by the New York City Police Department, Los Angeles Police Department and others.

The process can be used by law enforcement regularly to help sanitize vehicles when officers are not inside. When used in conjunction with sanitization guidelines approved by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flooding the passenger compartment with elevated air temperature can help reach areas that may be missed by manual disinfecting procedures. Heat has the ability to seep into crevices and hard-to-reach areas, helping reduce the impact of human error in applying chemical disinfectants.

This software solution is available immediately for all 2013-19 Police Interceptor Utility vehicles. Large departments with their own service centers can install the software solution using their own diagnostic service tools, while other fleets can work with their local dealers to install the software for 2013-19 Police Interceptor Utility vehicles. For 2016-19 police vehicles, the heated software process can be activated by a smart sequence of commands that involves pressing cruise control buttons in a predefined order. For 2013-15 vehicles, this mode can be activated and carried out through an external tool that connects to the onboard diagnostics port. For questions or additional information, please contact staff or Tom Sullivan, or 815-464-9200.

NWMC Summer Surplus Vehicle & Equipment Auction Set for July 21 The summer NWMC Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Auction will be held on Tuesday, July 21, 2:00 p.m. at America’s Auto Auction, 14001 S. Karlov Avenue in Crestwood. At this time, we are unsure if the auction will be conducted via in-person bidding or online only. Therefore, now is the time to review your fleets and equipment and make plans to sell them for top dollar!

If you can’t make the July event, the fall auction will be held on Tuesday, October 20. In addition, America’s Auto Auction hosts online sales on par with other government surplus Internet auctions. For questions or additional information, please contact staff or Berry Ellis, 312-371-5993 or

SPC COVID-19 Supplies Update The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) is pleased to report that Janitorial and Office Supplies program vendor Warehouse Direct now offers additional protective supplies and social distancing solutions. As our region moves to Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois plan, staff recommends placing orders or preorders NOW to insure availability of the following items. Read more.

Click here for more information about the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative or to view the catalog.

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