NWMC Extends Surplus Vehicle & Equipment Auction Agreement On Wednesday [3/8/17], the NWMC Board approved the second of four (4) possible, one-year extensions of the Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Auction Agreement with America’s Auto Auction of Crestwood. The contract extension runs from February 15, 2017 through February 14, 2018. The DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association and Metro West Council of Government were also added to this contract over the past year. In addition, quarterly auction dates were established to provide more opportunities for municipalities to dispose of their surplus vehicles and equipment.
America’s Auto Auction already has 40 vehicles booked for the Tuesday, April 25 auction. There is still plenty of time to register for this auction, so please review your fleets and plan to take advantage of this opportunity to receive top dollar for your vehicles and equipment. Additional sale dates for the remainder of 2017 are Tuesday, July 25 and Tuesday, October 24. The America’s Auto Auction contract also provides for online sales, so participants needing to sell vehicles and equipment between live auction dates have the ability to do so.
Please visit http://www.nwmc-cog.org/Products-and-Services/Auction/Auction_April-25-2017-Ad(2).aspx for information on our upcoming auctions. For questions or additional information, please contact staff or America’s Auto Auction Commercial Account Manager Bruce Uhter, 708-389-4488 (office), 219-713-0327 (cell) or Bruce.Uhter@americasautoauction.com or sales representative Jim Fee, 773-315-0293 or jamesfee7522@yahoo.com. Staff contact: Ellen Dayan
Please click here to read more SPC News, including:
SPC Extends Popular Thermoplastic Lane Marking Contract
Select SPC Vehicle Factory Order Cut-Off Dates Announced
Click here for more information about the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative, or to view the catalog.