Village of Sauk Village requests Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) to provide Phase I Engineering Services for the LogistiCenter roadway and rail spur expansion. The Phase I Engineering project is funded through Cook County’s Invest in Cook grant and the Village of Sauk Village.
Qualifications submissions will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. December 11, 2018. SOQ’s received after that date and time will not be considered. SOQ’s will be reviewed by the Village of Sauk Village evaluation team with input and guidance from the staff from the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways.
The purpose of this Request for Qualifications is to seek SOQ’s from qualified engineering consultants to complete Phase I Engineering Services for the design of final roadway, rail alignment, highway-rail grade crossings and new intersections of Cottage Grove Avenue, geometry and profiles. The services of which qualifications are being requested pertain to Phase 1 Engineering Services. The project will eventually construct roadways and rail spur expansion within the LogistiCenter at Sauk Village. Click here for the full Statements of Qualifications/RFQ.