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RTA selects 2 south suburbs for new RTA Access to Transit projects

RTA has completed their evaluation and selection process, and selected 7 new RTA Access to Transit projects. 2 of which are in the south suburbs.

City of Chicago Heights ($125,000) — The proposed project is for access improvements to the Chicago Heights pace terminal located at 16th St and Vincennes Ave. They include replacement of existing sidewalks, adding ADA-compliant crosswalks, a bus staging lane and a mid-block crossing that connects the terminal to covered bike parking.

Village of Olympia Fields ($500,000) — The project proposes a new sidewalk on the north side of Lincoln Highway to connect residential and commercial developments to the east with the 211th Street Metra station on the Metra Electric; a distance of roughly three-quarters of a mile. The proposal also includes lighting under the Metra/CN bridge on Lincoln Highway, as well as landscaping.

The RTA established the Access to Transit Improvement Program to seek capital funding for small-scale projects that increase pedestrian and bicycle access to the transit system. The Access to Transit Improvement Program is intended to leverage RTA and local funds with federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funding to help implement recommendations contained in studies completed through the RTA’s Community Planning program or CMAP’S Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program.

Eligible project budgets must not exceed $500,000. The CMAQ program is a federal program that requires a 20% local match. The RTA will fund up to 15% of the project cost (up to $75,000). The match rate is based on the economic and demographic characteristics of the community and will be provided upon request to the applicant. Click here for more information.

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