The City of Markham and the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA) invites qualified contractors to provide bids for conducting cleanup of soil contaminated with hazardous lead at the Markham Redevelopment Property (southwest corner of 160th Street and Dixie Highway). The proposed cleanup plan includes stabilizing hazardous waste soil at certain sections of the property. The proposed cleanup activities would be funded under a Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Loan Agreement (#BF965250-01-4) between the City of Markham and the SSMMA, who manages the RLF, executed September 3, 2015. The Remediation Contractor Request for Proposal and documentation is available for review at the City of Markham Public Library (16640 Kedzie Avenue, Markham, IL, 60428), on the City of Markham website ( and the SSMMA’s website ( here. A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2016 at 9:00AM. All bids in hard copy are to be submitted by 5:00PM on July 22, 2016 to the following: Mr. Reggie Greenwood SSMMA 1904 W. 174th Street East Hazel Crest, IL 60429 Office# (708) 922-4671 Email:
Request for proposals: Markham remediation contractor