The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) applications for the funding and technical assistance for transportation, land use planning and implementation projects throughout the region are due June 29 at noon. Applicants can apply for both programs by using one application. The RTA and CMAP will each select projects that align with the Regional Transit Strategic Plan, the GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan and the emerging priorities of ON TO 2050. Selected projects will receive staff and / or consulting assistance for planning and implementation projects.
A one-hour informational session was held on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. where RTA and CMAP staff delivered a brief presentation of the call for projects and then answer questions. Click here to view a recording of the information session.
For questions regarding the Community Planning or the Local Technical Assistance programs or regarding your application, please contact:
Community Planning program Michael Horsting, AICP Regional Transportation Authority Principal Analyst, Local Planning and Programs 312-913-3159
Local Technical Assistance program Tony Manno Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Senior Planner 312-386-8606
Please find detailed information on the Community Planning and Local Technical Assistance programs at and