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Oct. 17 – IDOT seeks input into development of Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Program

Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will seek early input into the development of its upcoming Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Program for fiscal years 2015-2020. Informational and feedback sessions will be held in communities throughout the state.  The public meetings for District 1 area will be held at several locations to give residents and businesses in the area a chance to better understand and weigh in on project priorities over the next five to seven years.

South Cook County Thursday, October 17, 2013 South Suburban Mayors and Managers Office 1906 West 174th Street East Hazel Crest, IL 60429 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Also called the Multi-Year Program (MYP), this planning and programming guide for transportation is based on current estimates of local, federal and state funding, including funding from Governor Pat Quinn’s Illinois Jobs Now! capital program, enacted in 2009. The MYP for the current FY 2014-2019 totals about $9.5 billion for the state road and bridge systems alone, and focuses on maintenance and improvement of the road system and any interconnected modal systems such as transit, rail, or bike facilities, as appropriate.

Public meetings will be conducted informally, with no formal presentation planned. IDOT staff will be present to answer any questions related to the multi-modal program, planning and project development process. The public will have an opportunity to comment in writing on the development of the proposed MYP, existing programming procedures and other information.

IDOT also will present the latest developments on the first ever statewide Illinois Bicycle Transportation Plan. This long-range planning document will guide future policy decisions and infrastructure improvements to make cycling a safer, more convenient, and more accessible transportation option for Illinois residents and visitors. For more information on the Illinois State Bike Plan, please visit

Comment sheets will be provided for those in attendance who wish to provide a written statement on the MYP and the statewide bicycle plan. Comments received at this meeting or sent to the IDOT District 1 Office at 201 West Center Court, Schaumburg, IL 60196-1096 by November 1, 2014, will be included in the meeting record.

These meetings will be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Anyone needing special assistance should contact Brian Carlson at (847) 705-4080 at least five days prior to the meeting.

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