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News from the Illinois Liquor Control Commission



Meetings for municipal officials on tap

Due to the state budget impasse, the mailing of the ILCC’s Winter 2015-16 quarterly newsletter has been postponed. You can, however, view the electronic version at the link below:

Of particular interest for municipal officials are the following events:

  1. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 3PM YOUR ACTIONS MATTER! CONFERENCE CALL. With the state’s budget impasse likely continuing for awhile, the Commission is requesting input into the immediate and long-range future of this popular spring educational activity. Visit for more information on this underage drinking prevention campaign.

  2. TUE, JANUARY 26, 10AM (SHOREWOOD) AND WED, JANUARY 27, 10AM (BUFFALO GROVE) EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS. Due to the interest in our October 2015 regional education meetings, the ILCC is holding two more meetings to discuss the alcohol serving training law and new happy hour changes. Current licensed BASSET (Beverage Seller/Server Education & Training) providers will also be on hand to present their programs. The need for BASSET instructors is a critical need right now, especially in the greater Chicago area, where the training mandate takes effect this year. Local officials, particularly those in law enforcement, are in a unique position to serve in this role. Visit to learn about BASSET.

For more information and to register for any of the above events, visit and click on the CALENDAR tab. Space is limited, so register today! If you have any questions regarding the above, please reply to this message or give me a call. Happy New Year!

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