Mayors across Illinois are joining forces to urge lawmakers not to cut local funding to balance the next state budget.
The coalition of mayors and municipal groups–including SSMMA, the DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference, the Barrington Area Council of Governments, the Metro West Council of Government, the Southwest Conference of Mayors and the Will County Governmental League–launched a website and social media platform called ProtectMyTown…Please click here to read the Associated Press story in the Tribune. Related stories, “Mayors’ coalition fights cuts in local share of tax revenue,” is here in the Tribune’s Morning Spin, and “Illinois mayors say don’t balance state budget on the backs of their residents” is here in the Sun Times.
ProtectMyTown is a direct appeal to Illinois residents to send messages to legislators and the governor to return state income taxes to local governments. Governor Rauner and State legislators are considering a proposal that would reduce the amount of money that is supposed to be distributed back to municipalities. Please encourage the residents in your communities to voice their support and help safeguard their local tax dollars.