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Leadership STAR Community Program rating system applications are being accepted

Application period: December 1, 2014 – January 16, 2015

The Leadership STAR Community Program provides extensive staff support and services to a cohort of communities as they work through the STAR Community Rating System measuring local sustainability. Communities with high enough scores receive a certified STAR Community Rating and are nationally recognized for their leadership in sustainability. In the past two years, 58 cities and counties have participated in the Leadership Program.  To date, 20 have achieved STAR certification with another 15-18 expected to certify this winter.  Participating communities report that this process helped them gain a deep understanding of their community’s strengths and needs and has provided a springboard for civic engagement, cross-agency coordination, integrated budgeting and performance management, partnerships with philanthropy, and economic development.

Please click here for more information or to get the application.

STAR Communities is a Washington, DC-based 501c3 nonprofit organization that works to evaluate, improve and certify sustainable communities. Technical experts, sustainability leaders and local government officials developed the STAR Community Rating System to provide a transparent and data-driven mechanism to improve local communities. STAR helps cities and counties achieve a healthy environment, a strong economy and well-being for their residents by charting a clear path toward a sustainable future.

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