The fastest trains in the Western Hemisphere will ride on products made in south suburban Harvey, economic development officials said on 12/04. Workers at LB Steel near Halsted and 159th streets are fabricating and welding wheel assemblies that will be used when Amtrak begins running 160 mph bullet trains from Boston to New York and Washington, D.C. in 2021.
“We understand that in order to have a vibrant economy we need to have a vibrant manufacturing community,” said Reggie Greenwood, executive director of the Chicago Southland Economic Development Corporation…Please click here to read Ted Slowik’s column in the Tribune/Daily Southtown. An Amtrak press release adds: With parts from nearly 250 suppliers, Alstom trainset production creates 1,300 new jobs. Travel and Tour World reports: New Amtrak Acela Trains Stimulate Nationwide Economy.
See photos from the 12/04 press event at LB Steel in Harvey.