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Lansing trail hoped to connect Pennsy Greenway and Thorn Creek Trail

The Village of Lansing has received a grant to begin engineering work to construct a multi-use path connecting the Pennsy Greenway and the Thorn Creek Trail, linking two popular south suburban trail systems.

The grant was obtained through the Invest in Cook program and will cover the engineering work required to begin the trail creation process. According to the Invest in Cook 2020 program booklet, the path will be 10 feet wide and run 2.4 miles from where the Pennsy Greenway intersects with Wentworth Avenue (at Legion Drive) south to a ComEd easement just north of 190th Place, where it will run west to the Cook County Forest Preserve and then south to connect with the Thorn Creek Trail.

Lansing Village Administrator Dan Podgorski said although the parameters of where the new path would be are roughly in place, the engineering work funded by the grant will help nail down all the specifics, taking into account right-of-ways, property ownership, and easement agreements… Please click here to read Josh Bootsma’s story in the Lansing Journal.

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