SSMMA Jan. 15, 2015 dinner meeting photos, courtesy of Anthony Foushi of the Southland Voice.
The South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association thanks the Village of Crete for hosting the January 15, 2015 dinner meeting at Lincolnshire Country Club.
At the meeting, the Association recognized retiring Orland Hills Village Administrator John A. Daly for

Orland Hills Village Administrator John Daly
his 20-plus years of service in public administration at Orland Hills and four years at Oak Forest. Mr. Daly has also long served as an active member of: the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, most recently as chairman of Management and Finance Committee; the Southwest Conference of Mayors; Chicago Southland Convention & Visitors Bureau and vice-chairman of the South Suburban College Board of Trustees.
SSMMA also approved the appointment of new Management and Finance Committee co-chairs Tom Mick of Park Forest and Bridget Wachtel of Flossmoor, who replace Mr. Daly.
In addition, the Association approved the 2015 Legislative Policy Statement. Please click here to read.
Finally, SSMMA President and Crete Mayor Michael Einhorn read to the group a letter from U.S. Congresswoman Robin Kelly written to new Gov. Bruce Rauner regarding support for infrastructure projects in the Southland that would increase economic development and job growth. Association mayors, legislators and elected officials from surrounding communities added their signatures to the letter. Please click here to read it.
The next business meeting is scheduled for Feb. 19, 2015 at 6 p.m. at SSMMA offices, 1906 W. 174th Street, East Hazel Crest, IL 60429.