IML Executive Director Brad Cole, IML Board President and Chatham Village President Tom Gray, IML Sergeant at Arms and Lynwood Village President Eugene Williams and IML Board First Vice President and Barrington Village President Karen Darch present the “Moving Cities Forward” legislative package at a Feb 23 press conference in Springfield, IL.
Municipal leaders across the state today outlined a comprehensive legislative reform package titled “Moving Cities Forward” geared towards driving more efficiencies that would maintain the health of local governments which are crucial to Illinois’ economy.
In conjunction with the Illinois Municipal League (IML), mayors across the state are calling for necessary solutions that can no longer be deferred, especially in the midst of the continued budget impasse at the statehouse. The reform package includes automatic appropriation authority (motor fuel tax, 9-1-1, use tax and gaming revenues), home rule eligibility expansion, workers compensation reform, prevailing wage exemptions and public safety arbitration reform. IML points out many of these issues have been long championed by mayors, while some are intended to address problems that have been exacerbated due the budget impasse…Read more here. Details on the “Moving Cities Forward” priorities are here.