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Funding opportunity: Planning grant supporting healthcare and community transformation

The Cook County Health & Hospitals System has posted (RFP) # H17-0015- Planning Grant supporting Healthcare and Community Transformation.

Please visit   click, register and download the documents.

All inquiries should be addressed to

The purpose of these funds is to support interdisciplinary or multi-sector teams in developing an action plan aimed at advancing evidence-based or evidence-informed policy, systems or environmental improvements leading to health care or community transformation that supports residents in eating better, moving more, or managing their health and addresses health inequities in areas of suburban Cook County, Illinois under the CCDPH jurisdiction.

Lead applicant must meet the following criteria.  Be one of the following. o Local governments, including one or more municipalities or townships; a regional government body serving suburban Cook County communities (e.g., subregional council of government); or park districts o Community organizations, including non-profit agencies; faith-based institutions; or community-based organizations o Public school districts or private schools  Assemble a partnership including (at minimum) three additional organizations or build on an existing collaboration or coalition. Partnership with a CCHHS Community Health Center located in suburban Cook County is required if proposing a health care transformation intervention. This includes: Cicero Health Center; Cottage Grove Health Center (Ford Heights); Oak Forest Health Center; Palatine VISTA Health Center; or Robbins Health Center.  Propose PSE intervention(s) in team action plan that impact organizations or communities within suburban Cook County, with a focus on populations experiencing health disparities.  Willingness to participate in learning or evaluation activities throughout the project period.

CCHHS anticipates the following schedule. Activity Estimated Date Request For Proposal posted to the website – April 12, 2017 Inquiry Deadline – April 26, 2017 by 2:00 p.m. CST. CCHHS Response to Inquiries – May 1, 2017 Proposal Due Date – May 5, 2017 by 2:00 p.m. CST. Funded Proposals Start Date – June 2017

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