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Funding opportunity: IDOT Economic Development Program

From the Illinois Department of Transportation’s

The Economic Development Program (EDP) will start accepting applications on October 01, 2018. The purpose of the EDP grant is to provide state assistance for roadway improvements or new construction that are necessary for access to new or expanding industrial, manufacturing or distribution type companies. Funding will include preliminary engineering, construction, construction engineering and contingencies. The focus of the program is on the creation and retention of permanent full-time jobs. Projects which only improve opportunities for future development or are speculative in nature are not eligible. Read more.

In order to apply and receive a copy of the Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance form, contact Todd A. Smith, 2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Room 308, Springfield, Illinois 62674. Phone (217) 785-8643 or email If you have general GATA questions, ,  or email

For additional information, please contact SSMMA Transportation Planner Leslie Phemister at 708-922-4677 or

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