The RTA is accepting applications through Friday, May 8, 2020 for the 2020 Access to Transit Program. This program provides funding for small-scale capital projects that improve pedestrian and bicycle access to public transportation. New for 2020, there are two categories of projects being considered. Category A includes funding for construction costs between $150,000 and $1 million for crosswalks, pedestrian signal heads, sidewalk connections, wayfinding signage, ADA accessibility improvements, bicycle infrastructure, bus stop infrastructure, rail warming shelters, micromobility projects, and other innovative projects that support small-scale access improvements to transit. Successful applications will be packaged together and submitted by the RTA to CMAP during the next call for CMAQ projects. If selected for CMAQ funding, the RTA may provide 50 to 100% of the required 20% non-federal matching funds. Category B includes funding of $5,000 to $50,000 for Phase 1 Engineering only for projects that meet the Category A criteria. For more information visit the RTA Access to Transit web page.