SSMMA wishes to congratulate Chicago Heights Mayor David Gonzalez and Country Club Hills Mayor James Ford on their re-elections and Harvey Mayor-Elect Christopher Clark on his election. We also look forward to congratulating mayors in Park Forest and University Park when the results become official after April 23.
June 8: Newly Elected Officials Workshop (please share with the newly elected in your communities) If you are a newly elected official (or previously elected who’s looking for a refresher), please join us on Saturday, June 8, 7:30 a.m. – noon at our offices for an informative workshop, with breakfast sponsored by Comcast. To help facilitate onboarding of municipal roles, SSMMA hosts Newly Elected Officials Workshops to offer an introduction to municipal government, budgeting, ethics, the Open Meetings Act, the Freedom of Information Act and more. RSVP at newlyelectedofficials.eventbrite.com. Please download the flyer for more information.