CMAQ FFY 2018-2022 and TAP-L FFY 2018-2020 Call for Projects The CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee approved the new FFY 2018-2022 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and FFY 2018-2020 locally programmed Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP-L) programs. The CMAQ Program is a federally-funded program of surface transportation improvements designed to improve air quality and mitigate congestion. The program description document contains more information on the program and the types of projects it funds.
Click the link below for a listing of the approved projects.
A mandatory initiation meeting will be scheduled with IDOT staff for some time in December and project sponsors will be contacted once an eligibility determination is received from the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration.
Local sponsors should direct questions to their planning liaison, and all other sponsors should contact Doug Ferguson ( For additional information, please contact SSMMA Transportation Planner Leslie Phemister at 708-922-4677 or