CEDA Summer Energy Assistance Program
Customers currently enrolled in or who received PIPP* in the 2013 Program Year are ineligible for Summer Cooling Program assistance.
The LIHEAP Summer Energy Assistance Program is targeted to at-risk households defined as seniors, persons with disabilities, families with children less than 60 months of age as of the date of application, and those with medical conditions that would be aggravated by extreme heat.
Benefits can be provided only to income-eligible households that can be included in one of the following groups:
Households that contain a member with a medical condition than can be ameliorated by air conditioning, such as asthma, emphysema, coronarydisease and terminal illness. Required documentation must include a doctor’s certification letter dated within the last ninety days, stating that the medical condition would be aggravated by extreme heat.
Households that contain a member that is elderly (age 60 & above)
Households that contain children younger than 5 years.
Households that contain a member receiving social security disability benefits or with a pending determination case at the Social SecurityAdministration. Required documentation must include a letter of determination from the Social Security Administration or receipt of Social Security Disability Benefit Statement.
For more information contact: (800) 571-CEDA (2332)
For more information, download Ceda Cooling funds2013.