Note: The roadway is not in the SSMMA area but out in DuPage County. However, this will be Illinois Tollway’s first all-electronic roadway on the Tollway system, and they want to reach/educate as many people as possible before the roadway opens up.
Beginning July 5, 2016, cashless tolling will be coming to the Illinois Route 390 Tollway from Lake Street to I-290. This is the first, all-electronic roadway on the Illinois Tollway system, which provides for a safer, more efficient and seamless method of collecting tolls from customers.
Toll collection equipment over the traffic lanes reads the I-PASS transponder on the windshield and automatically collects tolls. Drivers continue at highway speeds without the need to slow down or stop to pay at a toll. Tolls are lower on the Illinois Route 390 Tollway because they are assessed more frequently than other parts of the system. This allows for greater sensitivity for shorter trips and helps local communities provide congestion relief on adjacent roads.
I-PASS users always pay the lowest toll rates available, 50 percent less than those who do not have an I-PASS and must pay online. Those without an I-PASS can get a transponder at an I-PASS Customer Service Center or any Jewel-Osco location. For more information, visit http://www.illinoistollway.com.