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Blue Island flood mitigation project

From the City of Blue Island’s web site:

Demonstrating Blue Island’s commitment to forward-thinking, ambitious and proven approaches to a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable setting for our residents, the City of Blue Island is excited to announce that they are partnering with several organizations working on a US EPA-funded green infrastructure project, or – put simply – a rain garden to help collect heavy rainfall. This rain garden, located along the publicly-owned portion of land between the sidewalk and the street at the SW intersection of 120th Street and Washington Ave. is coordinated by several organizations, with assessment and mapping help from South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association and Weaver Consultants Group, workforce and additional project management from OAI, Inc. and their new landscaping company – High Bridge, L3C, and grant and financial management support from the Illinois Coastal Management Program…Read more here.

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