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June 26: Calumet Manufacturing Careers Internship Program Recognition Event

SSMMA, Cook County Workforce Partnership, Business and Career Services, Inc., OAI, Inc. and South Suburban College invite you to celebrate the success of the 2014 Calumet Manufacturing Careers Internship Program (CMCIP).CMCIP Recognition Event Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. South Suburban College 15800 South State Street · South Holland, ILPlease RSVP by June 23 to:, 708.339.8173

Special Recognition to participating interns and employers Please click here to download the flyer.

About the Internship Program The Manufacturing Careers Internship Program (MCIP), sponsored by the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, helps meet the demand for qualified employees in the manufacturing sector. The MCIP directly addresses local workforce demand by providing mentoring, guidance, education and training to prepare Workforce Investment Act-eligible (WIA) youth ages 18 – 21 for a rewarding career in manufacturing. WIA is a federal law that provides training for people who are out of work, and who need training to change career paths or whose skills need improving in order to obtain a new job.

MCIP Goals: 1. Provide a meaningful work experience in the manufacturing sector leading to placement of interns into jobs with manufacturers or into training or educational programs leading to manufacturing careers. 2. Have youths learn about opportunities and career paths in manufacturing 3. Understand the training and education needed to achieve success in the industry 4. Create a pipeline of qualified employees for manufacturers 5. Enhance the image of manufacturing

How it Works: A five-step approach provides youth with a 9- week industry-based training module that provides role models, training and hands-on experience in the manufacturing sector in order to generate genuine interest and understanding of career paths and education needed to achieve success.  Click here for more information.

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