Image courtesy of the Illinois Farmers Market Association
Local Foods, Local Places Background Local Foods, Local Places helps communities create more livable neighborhoods by promoting local foods. The program has been supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Appalachian Regional Commission, and the Delta Regional Authority. – Local Foods, Local Places aims to support projects that do all of the following: – Create livable, walkable, economically vibrant main streets and mixed-use neighborhoods. – Boost economic opportunities for local farmers and main street businesses. – Improve access to healthy, local food, especially among disadvantaged populations.
The Local Foods, Local Places program will provide selected communities planning assistance that centers around a two-day community workshop. At the workshop, a team of experts will help community members develop an implementable action plan that promotes local food and neighborhood revitalization.
Eligible applicants include local governments, Indian tribes, and nonprofit institutions and organizations proposing to work in a neighborhood, town, or city of any size anywhere in the United States. We expect that many of the communities we select will be economically challenged and in the early phases of their efforts to promote local foods and community revitalization. Click here to read more, or for information on how to apply. The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 25, 2017.
Healthy Places for Healthy People Background Healthy Places for Healthy People engages with community leaders and health care partners to create walkable, healthy, economically vibrant downtowns and neighborhoods that can improve health, protect the environment, and support economic growth. These partners include community health centers (including Federally Qualified Health Centers), nonprofit hospitals, and other health care facilities. Healthy Places for Healthy People will provide selected communities with planning assistance that centers around a two-day community workshop. At the workshop, a team of experts will help community members develop an implementable action plan that will focus on health as an economic driver and catalyst for downtown and neighborhood revitalization. This assistance is not a grant, and the program does not provide money directly to communities.
Eligible applicants include local government representatives, health care facilities, local health departments, neighborhood associations, main street districts, nonprofit organizations, tribes, and others proposing to work in a neighborhood, town, or city located anywhere in the United States.
Applications that are submitted jointly by a representative from the community (local government or nongovernmental organization) and from a health care facility will receive special consideration.
Applications that demonstrate existing or new partnerships among multi-sector partners and a health care facility to promote community revitalization and economic development will be given special consideration.
Special consideration will be given to communities that are economically distressed and/or underserved.
Click here to read more, or for information on how to apply. The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 25, 2017.