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UIC’s Department of Public Administration seeks fall capstone projects

UIC’s Capstone Course provides MPA students with a practical, team-based experience in problem-solving within public or nonprofit organizations. This course requires students to integrate classroom learning with practical experience, and must be taken during the last two semesters in the MPA program. The course requires each student to work in a team of 3-4 students to analyze an organizational or policy problem and to deliver a professional report to the sponsoring organization that typically specifies the problem or task, defines alternatives, and proposes a recommended course of action. Government, community, and nonprofit organizations work with the PA program to identify relevant projects that challenge students and serve agency goals.

The MPA program is always looking for new agencies or municipalities that it can partner with on Capstone projects. Project proposals are generally accepted up to six weeks in advance of the spring (January start date) and the fall (August start date) semesters. If you have a project-worthy proposal and want to take advantage of graduate student skill and collaboration, contact Prof. James Thompson at  The fall 2019 Capstone project proposal deadline is July 19, 2019. Read more.

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