SSMMA hosted an informative Complete Streets Policy Development Workshop on Dec. 11 for elected officials, administration staff and public safety personnel from
Alsip, Burnham and Country Club Hills. The event was supported by the Cook County Department of Public Health and Pace who provided Transit Supportive Guidelines for participants. Mott MacDonald sponsored the meals and refreshments.
SSMMA’s Complete Streets and Trails Plan was adopted in the summer of 2017 by SSMMA’s Board and Executive Committee. It reflects the commitment and the high priority SSMMA and the South Council of Mayors place on modernizing and improving all streets to safely and comfortably accommodate all current and future users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Click here for a related resource: The Making Complete Streets a Reality in the South Suburbs story map.
For questions or more information on Complete Streets, please email Transportation Planner Leslie Phemister at