Rain garden on Longwood Drive in Blue Island. Image courtesy of MWRD
Press release from the Metropolitan Water Reclation District:
MWRD seeks government partners to apply for green infrastructure project assistance.
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) is accepting applications from municipal, township and county agencies within Cook County to fund projects that utilize green infrastructure until Aug. 9.
This form of infrastructure captures water and allows it to infiltrate into the ground before it enters the traditional conveyance system. This helps to reduce the amount of water flowing through pipes that can be overwhelmed by intense rain events.
The MWRD is the regional stormwater authority for Cook County and holds an annual call for green infrastructure projects from throughout its service area. Recent projects chosen for funding and assistance by the MWRD have included permeable parking lots, rain gardens, bioswales and green alleys.
Conventional gray infrastructure enlists concrete pipes to convey stormwater. On the other hand, green infrastructure mimics the natural environment by collecting precipitation where it falls by detaining and infiltrating runoff through rain gardens, permeable pavement, cisterns and other practices.
Green infrastructure’s impact is not limited to flooding concerns. It can reduce wet-weather flows to combined sewer systems, reduce combined sewer overflows to local waterways and protect water quality in these vital waterways. Green infrastructure also reduces runoff volumes and improves water quality in separate sewer service areas. In addition, green infrastructure provides social benefits that enhance the livability of communities.
The MWRD intends to provide partial funding towards the construction of selected green infrastructure installations on public property. Project partners will be expected to provide long-term operation and maintenance of the installed green infrastructure practices, among other responsibilities to be defined through intergovernmental agreements with the MWRD and the selected applicant partners. The MWRD will prioritize the submitted projects based on the project’s stormwater benefits, such as reduction of basement flooding, the capability of the applicant to operate and maintain the green infrastructure practices, and the visibility of the project in terms of providing educational opportunities amongst other factors.
Public agencies within the MWRD’s corporate boundaries are encouraged to submit an application online by visiting http://www.mwrd.org. Eligibility requirements and instructions are included in the application form which can be found at www.mwrd.org/irj/portal/anonymous/GI
Please join them for an informational webinar!
Monday, July 29, 1:30 p.m.
Click here to register!
Or click here day-of to attend
Please join us for an informational webinar on Monday, July 29th at 1:30 PM featuring the MWRD Green Infrastructure Partnership Program. The MWRD’s Green Infrastructure (GI) Partnership Program will be will highlighted and explained in detail. Since 2017, the District has solicited and evaluated GI project partnership opportunities through an annual application process to identify cost-effective public-property GI projects to address flooding issues throughout Cook County.