The new schedule cuts what Metra calls “lightly used” trains on the Blue Island and South Chicago branches, mostly in the early morning and late evening. Metra said the trains to be eliminated carry fewer than 10 passengers per day.
Metra also would eliminate Saturday service on the Blue Island branch, which does not have Sunday service. Metra said the Saturday inbound Blue Island trains carry fewer than 100 total passengers all day.
Public meetings on the the proposed changes will be from 4 to 7 p.m. on the following dates: June 19 at the South Shore Cultural Center; June 20 at the Flossmoor Village Hall; June 21 at the Blue Island City Hall; and June 22 at the Polsky Exchange at the University of Chicago. Comments can be sent to…Please click here to read Mary Wisniewski’s story in the Tribune. A related story is here in the Hyde Park Patch.